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Finally a Presidential Candidate Who Gets China!

Last updated on June 30, 2012


Buddy Roemer is the first presidential candidate to call China’s government what it is: a brutal, communist regime, cheating America to death on trade. He spent an hour+ in front of the Chinese embassy last week giving a blistering speech . I encourage you to watch the whole thing, but I’ve posted a small excerpt on our YouTube channel.

As he says, “Our President has no clue as to what the problem is. . . . He doesn’t understand why throwing more and more stimulus money into the economy doesn’t stimulate any improvement. He thinks we must spend hundreds of millions of dollars retraining unemployed workers. Retraining them for what? THERE ARE NO JOBS. Our jobs are in China!

Roemer has been a U.S. Congressman and a state Governor (Louisiana). He has worked in the public sector and the private. He’s been a Democrat (a Reagan Dem.) and a Republican.  He’s got a Harvard degree in Econ and a Harvard MBA. He is firm in his resolve, but thoughtful on his positions and soft spoken. In a word he is “ELECTABLE” in the general election. The GOP can’t loose this election if it has the sense to simple sense chose an Electable team this go round.

The governor called me this morning to thank us for our work on Death by China and I’m pleased to respond by encouraging our readers to lend him support and share his message with their friends. Please visit his website and make the maximum $100 donation – that’s right he won’t take more that $100, so no worries that the multinational sellouts and other anti-American special interests are going to co-opt this guy. He’s the only candidate so far that even sees “the bear” that is eating our jobs!

In fact, I encourage you to send Buddy $100 even if you only do it in hopes that the other candidates will be forced to start talking about China. Its more than worth it.

-Greg Autry

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